I have a 67 Coronet with a 440 and Hedman headers. I recently changed from iron 452 heads to Edelbrock RPM. Most of the spark plugs were a pain to change with the iron heads. Changing to the Edelbrock heads made it much easier because of the angled plugs vs the straight. EXCEPT for the #6 plug..... I bought Autolite 3924 plugs for the new heads and the tip of the plug actually touched the header tube that loops over from the #2 cylinder. I didn't want to hammer away at the tube to make it fit so i started searching for a "shorty" plug. I bought Accel shorty plugs since they seemed to be hyped up the most.

Save your money unless you just want a tiny bit more clearance.

Save your money unless you just want a tiny bit more clearance.