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For all of you patriotic members.


Well-Known Member
Local time
10:36 AM
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
My wife bought me a shirt, I liked it well enough to check out the site and was surprised to find it's a company mostly made up of Veterans. Check out Grunt Style clothing.

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Hope this doesn't get kicked to the political forum... Just cool shirts that's all.
I just wanna say...I opened this thread thinking I'd see TB12 in here :).
He posted its owed by vets. What vets? Your a vet. You serve in the military your a vet. Are they combat vets? Wounded vets? Vets that suffer from PTS that help other vets? Or a bunch of guys who did time in the military and now started a business? Do people need to dress up like combat military when they never served or never experienced combat to show love or pride in country? From when i was very young the men around me, many experienced war and the horror it is. If there was anyone who had PTSD it was my father. My uncle once told me he was never the same person after the war. He loved this country and would kick anybody in the *** who said anything bad about it and my grandfather a immigrant and combat vet of WW1 was the same way. All of them POW uncle wounded in action, the returning V.N. vets i served with in the Guard, none of them never felt the need to dress up like they were still in boot camp to show patriotism. Maybe I'm wrong maybe not but if your going to profit off this kind of thing then i have a issue with it.
I'll tell you any anybody else here and stick your red X's up yours. When i read a thread that starts out "for all you of you patriotic members" as if some who dont buy this stuff aren't ....Drop the subject, I'm done
He posted its owed by vets. What vets? Your a vet. You serve in the military your a vet. Are they combat vets? Wounded vets? Vets that suffer from PTS that help other vets? Or a bunch of guys who did time in the military and now started a business? Do people need to dress up like combat military when they never served or never experienced combat to show love or pride in country? From when i was very young the men around me, many experienced war and the horror it is. If there was anyone who had PTSD it was my father. My uncle once told me he was never the same person after the war. He loved this country and would kick anybody in the *** who said anything bad about it and my grandfather a immigrant and combat vet of WW1 was the same way. All of them POW uncle wounded in action, the returning V.N. vets i served with in the Guard, none of them never felt the need to dress up like they were still in boot camp to show patriotism. Maybe I'm wrong maybe not but if your going to profit off this kind of thing then i have a issue with it.
Once again... who cares? If they are vets, they don't owe anybody jack diddly squat. Now they may, or may not, be owed something from their country, but they don't owe anything to any group. If they want to donate money to some veterans group, that's peachy, but by no means should that be a litmus test for doing business with them.
Aw c'mon Steve,
What is your point?
Why the anger?
Steve's just being a good Socialist who feels if you aren't giving away your profits, you're a greedy scumbag capitalist out to rob the masses. He probably has Marx's "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" tattooed on him somewhere. :)
He posted its owed by vets. What vets? Your a vet. You serve in the military your a vet. Are they combat vets? Wounded vets? Vets that suffer from PTS that help other vets? Or a bunch of guys who did time in the military and now started a business? Do people need to dress up like combat military when they never served or never experienced combat to show love or pride in country? From when i was very young the men around me, many experienced war and the horror it is. If there was anyone who had PTSD it was my father. My uncle once told me he was never the same person after the war. He loved this country and would kick anybody in the *** who said anything bad about it and my grandfather a immigrant and combat vet of WW1 was the same way. All of them POW uncle wounded in action, the returning V.N. vets i served with in the Guard, none of them never felt the need to dress up like they were still in boot camp to show patriotism. Maybe I'm wrong maybe not but if your going to profit off this kind of thing then i have a issue with it.
Steve.... for the love of god look at what they sell before assuming anything and going off over nothing!!! :mad: And I never said "owed by Vets" I even went back to fix what I thought was a screw up on my part.

They do not sell military or combat clothes and being Vets they understand the whole issue of non serving folks not wanting to make themselves look as if they did! They are Freedom loving guys that offer some cool T SHIRTS for the everyday guy and the guys that served. I just thought it was pretty cool to see some guys doing quite well selling Patriotic clothing in a time that Patriotism is under attack regularly.

Here comes the transfer to the Political Forum:(
In this world there are takers and givers. There are some who instead of doing a honest days work, leach off of others, still more you in there own mind think there better smarter and more intelligent work harder than others. Figure who it applies to.
I'll tell you any anybody else here and stick your red X's up yours. When i read a thread that starts out "for all you of you patriotic members" as if some who dont buy this stuff aren't ....Drop the subject, I'm done
Hmmmm, that's you reading more into it then what is there. Sure some won't like any of it and sure some of those who don't might be Vets or whatever.... never was there anything questioning their convictions either. Your just making things up and turning an innocent thread (acknowledging a company I find to be refreshing) into something more than it is.
Steve.... for the love of god look at what they sell before assuming anything and going off over nothing!!! :mad: And I never said "owed by Vets" I even went back to fix what I thought was a screw up on my part.

They do not sell military or combat clothes and being Vets they understand the whole issue of non serving folks not wanting to make themselves look as if they did! They are Freedom loving guys that offer some cool T SHIRTS for the everyday guy and the guys that served. I just thought it was pretty cool to see some guys doing quite well selling Patriotic clothing in a time that Patriotism is under attack regularly.

Here comes the transfer to the Political Forum:(
How do you know there "freedom loving" guys? You know them personally? Or are they just looking to turn a buck on the backs of others? My mistake not owned by vets, just vets who work there. Great F-ing job we provide for our young returning vets. Not a trade not a skill.Working making tee shirts. Wonder if they have benefits for there kids or pregnant wives? Wait maybe I'm wrong, when i see him walking his dog, wounded in action, silver star i will ask him his opinion
How do you know there "freedom loving" guys? You know them personally? Or are they just looking to turn a buck on the backs of others? My mistake not owned by vets, just vets who work there. Great F-ing job we provide for our young returning vets. Not a trade not a skill.Working making tee shirts. Wonder if they have benefits for there kids or pregnant wives? Wait maybe I'm wrong, when i see him walking his dog, wounded in action, silver star i will ask him his opinion

Gee Steve
Sorry you feel that way.
I "For One" have purchased stuff from them and also the veteran owned firm "Medals of Honor"
I would rather purchase from a Veteran owned company than a Non-Veteran owned company.
No wonder I have that chowderhead blocked! Geeeez!
Sorry i feel what way? Do you know what this is about or trying to make it look like something its not? Or maybe like the other mouth who prints **** about me
Devin, Thanks for posting that. As soon as I get home from work I want to check it out.
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