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Morocco Morocco Where The Heck Is Morocco

"Findings such as these suggested that our species evolved in a small region — perhaps in Ethiopia, or nearby in East Africa. After Homo sapiens arose, researchers believed, the species spread out across the continent."

This proves that even back then, even early man didn't want to live in that Godforsaken **** hole.
This really proves nothing.
Africa is fossil rich because it hasn't had several periods of glaciation to bury fossils under miles of sediment.

Ray Charles could find fossils in Africa.

There is a large amount of evidence to suggest that the first Americans came from ..... wait for it ..... Europe.
And not Asia! They try to avoid giving that evidence any light

There are also plenty of early human fossils 2+ million year old in South Africa. They choose not to mention that either
A lot of "science" is driven by ego, I think.

I am a scientist....we all came from Africa....what part exactly we're still trying to determine, but Africa. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

The ancient Africans that migrated to Europe recently (meaning within the last, say 100,000'ish years ago) lost their skin pigment and became "white". There are two known African migrations to Europe (so far). One became what we call Neanderthals, the other Homo-sapiens & it now appears that ancient Europeans were a blend of the two, but more homo-sapien than Neanderthal.

So..... us white guys' ancestors were basically "African immigrants"
Us white guys are descendants from Cro-Magnun. There were more than just us and Neanderthal. There were several lesser known varieties in Asia that little is known from.

The truth is, humans a were not very common up until 15k years ago. There is so much more that we do not and may never will know.

The oldest hominid fossils may come from Africa, but those found are not what I would consider much more than glorified ape.

IMO the true human evolution happened in Europe and Asia during the ice age
The true test of survival in those conditions. Those people in Africa never could have competed with the cro-magnun in that enviroment.
Some people think we came from aliens
{that'd explain a lot of Liberal politicians}
just about as much chance, it's conjecture & theory
history & science keeps getting rewritten, every couple of years now

Jack Webb as Joe Friday Dragnet -Just the facts Man-.png

a devout Christian says we came from the image in our Gods eyes
Adam & Eve

Greeks believed for 1000+ years there were Gods among US
we came from them, in their form
not facts, still conjecture

Some say a great Deity of some sorts
it's different in every culture, religion

some say we evolved from apes, where's that missing link ?
still conjecture & theory

one persons science or religion {both bias}
doesn't necessarily mean it's truth or facts
still theory & conjecture

the discussion continues, it's deep too,
depends on what you believe & who you choose to believe

show me the proof, of any of it,
I'm sure all sides have their truth & beliefs
even the scientist don't all agree
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I am a scientist....we all came from Africa....what part exactly we're still trying to determine, but Africa. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

The ancient Africans that migrated to Europe recently (meaning within the last, say 100,000'ish years ago) lost their skin pigment and became "white". There are two known African migrations to Europe (so far). One became what we call Neanderthals, the other Homo-sapiens & it now appears that ancient Europeans were a blend of the two, but more homo-sapien than Neanderthal.

So..... us white guys' ancestors were basically "African immigrants"
I knew it ! I knew it. I AM Neanderthal-American !
Good Album
Had that one since I was 14

How bout playing me some "Sweet Leaf."

I strapped it on the seat of my Honda Sport 50 and took it home from the mall.
Too bad I wasn't 16 yet with a license..:lol:

I was soooo lucky not to have gotten a Darwin Award with that bike.
My genes wouldn't be in the pool anymore.
A different time .
I am a scientist....we all came from Africa....what part exactly we're still trying to determine, but Africa. Sorry to burst anyone's bubble.

The ancient Africans that migrated to Europe recently (meaning within the last, say 100,000'ish years ago) lost their skin pigment and became "white". There are two known African migrations to Europe (so far). One became what we call Neanderthals, the other Homo-sapiens & it now appears that ancient Europeans were a blend of the two, but more homo-sapien than Neanderthal.

So..... us white guys' ancestors were basically "African immigrants"

What ever happen to the expanding universe of exploration and trying new ways of looking at things? Oh that's right global warming is settled starting and ending with Al Gore. Open your mind "Science is never settled." Oh and what about that pile of bones found years ago that was Lucy? Come to find out it was just that, a pile of bones.
Someone need to and I guess it will have to be me.
I've got an Uncontrollable Urge to post it.

Here's something else a little more pleasant.

What ever happen to the expanding universe of exploration and trying new ways of looking at things? Oh that's right global warming is settled starting and ending with Al Gore. Open your mind "Science is never settled." Oh and what about that pile of bones found years ago that was Lucy? Come to find out it was just that, a pile of bones.

You are correct. Science changes all the time. IF we find the bones of some white guy many thousands of years older than the African bones, I will change my mind. Actually, I heard a "rumor" of something like this from Europe, but haven't seen anything confirmed yet. Science moves slowly.
I knew it ! I knew it. I AM Neanderthal-American !

Hey Wile-E.... yeah, when I was a kid, scientists thought that homo-sapiens & Neanderthals were totally different species & Neanderthals went extinct. THEN came gene sequencing & they found out that the two "pre-humans" actually inter-bred. I think the latest theory is that the 3% or so Neanderthal DNA is what allowed "modern man" to resist all the diseases in Europe since Neanderthals had been there for thousand & thousands of years before the second migration out of Africa & had become resistant to European bacteria & stuff like that. Most of us (especially white guys) have at least some Neanderthal DNA....weird stuff.
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