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Should I be pissed?


Well-Known Member
Local time
4:29 AM
Aug 14, 2016
Reaction score
My wife sends my a picture today. My son, while outside playing at daycare, took a header off the steps onto the concrete. I know boys will be boys, and my 18 mo. old son is exceptionally fearless and daring, but he has one helluva goosegg.
The daycare gal seemed to respond ok.
What concerns me most is the fact that while her house is very nice and clean, it happens to be very near a swift river that is well over 6 ft. deep. You can see the cliffs along the river in the background of the top photo. Not very far for a determined young lad.


Luckily he's got his mother's extra hard head. :rolleyes:
Yes, and I would take him to the doctor right now.
As long as the bump is outward, that's good! Taking the rug rat to doctor damn sure won't hurt and might give ya guys peace of mind.
Man, I had plenty of those growing up and my parents weren't well off enough to take me to the doctor every time I got a goose egg. Maybe that is what's wrong with me!! The river is another issue. If he's prone to running off, either put the fear of God into him about going there or pull him out of that day care. If you decide to put some fear into him, then that one is up to you how you do that. With me, nothing worked!! lol but didn't have a swift river too close like that. My dad did catch me playing near by a slow moving one and we weren't even very close to it but he still beat me senseless for even being an 1/8 mile away from it when he came looking. Heck, didn't like being too close to it anyways and thought where we were playing was ok......
I agree with the above but I would also be concerned with the daycare. You have already mentioned potential hazards. If you have to worry about that, then take him somewhere else.
I would expect that a daycare would have to render harmless any potential dangers, such as the river, before being granted a license to operate. If not then that's a heartbreak waiting to happen. Put him elsewhere.
that sounds like a precursor of i wish i would have just done it, no harm in taking precautions, that have a possibility of becoming deadly. The bruise looks like not a big deal, but you already pointed out a potential hazzard that could become devastating.
I agree. Worried about the river. The knot on the head is just another day that ends in Y for my little Elmer.
The caretaker is a kind woman who has watched him since he was 6 wk old. She just moved to this nicer house about a month ago. She only has a few children so he gets good attention. But all it tskes is a 5 min loss of his whereabouts
Not sure how many you can watch in Texas without a license but it's not many.....is this person licensed and why isn't the back yard fenced?
Except for the snots coming out his nose, he looks fine. Did it sound like one of these?

Headers and goose eggs are a healthy part of childhood. A river without mommy and daddy.... not a chance
Probably. Last week he fell off the sofa onto the hardwood floor. Sounded like somebody just bowled a strike.
Good thing he ain't in school, social services would come knocking.

I've never dropped him off or picked him up from daycare. It didn't occur to me about the river until I saw the picture
You've seen enough to be concerned, trust your gut. Last time I didn't listen to my gut I almost married a girl that became a stripper..... well maybe...
Last time I didn't listen to my gut I almost married a girl that became a stripper..... well maybe...
That would be handy if she was stripping paint on a car you're restoring.:lol:

My two boys went through daycare centres from very young (about 6 months old) until starting school, and each Centre had a fully fenced compound with child-proof gates and doors. The biggest fear is the kids running onto the street, or worse as @BeeKool points out - a river. My boys had their fair share of knocks, scrapes and bruises, and on one occasion my eldest stuffed some tissues into another child's mouth because he was always screaming (even the teachers thought that was funny).
And back to young Elmer here....as long as no brain cells or organs are hanging out, he should be good to go. :thumbsup:
Dont ask people here should i take my child to the pediatrician after he had such a bad fall. Are they doctors. What in the name of Jesus do they know. This crap about when i was a kid,its bullshit . Its your child and if you have the slightest doubt get him checked. As far as day care, the yard needs to be properly fenced in. I don't care how sweet the lady is, she is caring for other peoples children and thats a very big responsibility, she is negligent as far as im concerned
Dont ask people here should i take my child to the pediatrician after he had such a bad fall. Are they doctors. What in the name of Jesus do they know. This crap about when i was a kid,its bullshit . Its your child and if you have the slightest doubt get him checked. As far as day care, the yard needs to be properly fenced in. I don't care how sweet the lady is, she is caring for other peoples children and thats a very big responsibility, she is negligent as far as im concerned
Where in his post was he asking if he should take his kid to a pediatrician?He was asking if he should be pissed.
As far as the fence, I can agree with that.
I didnt ask about taking him to a doctor. That's my call. I just want to know if something's wrong with me for not being overly pissed about him injuring himself.

As far as the river goes. We talked and she is going to build a fence. So for the immediate future he will continue to go their.
18 months not all the plates are completely fused..That is high near the anterior fontanelle suture. The anterior fontanelle can take up to 18 months to fully fuse...Everything may be normal but we are not talking about an adult here that can communicate effectively. I would suggest to waste a few bucks and check that out...Just to be safe..
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