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Anyone else having a problem with mosquitoes?

Been bad in Maine this year too. But not unusual for the rain we’ve had and the humidity. I wouldn’t say it’s been the worst year or even close! Usually they drop off in August but didn’t. We’re used to it! State bird!
I moved from Ft Lauderdale to a small rural county in 2008. It was right after a hurricane and there was a lot of standing water, and many county services were suspended, and the one pertinent here was mosquito control spraying.
For a number of weeks I seriously questioned if my move was that smart with the massive mosquito problem. Understand I have lived in So Florida since 1955.
Currently, I can't remember a mosquito bite here in a decade.
The reason being is they spray the crap out of the place.
The amount and potency of chemicals dispersed to achieve that must be mind boggling, and not very healthy I suspect.
They spray near midnight, so it's hard to measure.
I moved from Ft Lauderdale to a small rural county in 2008. It was right after a hurricane and there was a lot of standing water, and many county services were suspended, and the one pertinent here was mosquito control spraying.
For a number of weeks I seriously questioned if my move was that smart with the massive mosquito problem. Understand I have lived in So Florida since 1955.
Currently, I can't remember a mosquito bite here in a decade.
The reason being is they spray the crap out of the place.
The amount and potency of chemicals dispersed to achieve that must be mind boggling, and not very healthy I suspect.
They spray near midnight, so it's hard to measure.
They drive by here around dusk. Just a truck with a big sprayer on the back. They have to cut it off at our property line, past our entire property, though because the neighbor has a goat milking industry farm, and they don't want the chemicals ending up on their pastures and in their cheese products. The next morning though....not a skeeter to be seen.
All well in Missouri. Some have been bitten here, but nothing major. I have a pond in my backyard and still, all is well. Depopulations not happening here today, maybe tomorrow.......
Yep bats work

we have a crapload of bats around here
maybe why it hasn't gotten bad here "yet"

I eat a lot of garlic, maybe that helps :poke:

when I lived in Concord (SF, 40 miles east bay area)
as a kid we had bad mosquitos down there
I swell up when I get bit like a nickel sized bump, I put hydrogen peroxide on it
it goes away faster, some old wives tale of the lemon juice, my neighbor does
he claims it works

when I lived in Alaska they were really bad, no-see-em's
especially out on the tundra open areas, really bad
or out where a lot of standing water/muskeg stuff
everyone wore some sort of musk oils & it helped

I sort of avoid going out at around dusk or early dawn hrs
sun just setting or just coming up
when my dog was alive (RIP Elvis) I kept him/them in during them hrs too
seems to be the worst times for it, lots of **** spread by them lil' bastards

if there's a bunch of still water 'anywhere' it will be a breeding ground/s
even in just a coffee cup or tin can etc., it can be a breeding ground/water

we don't have really any standing water around here, it's all moving
we keep it that way too no junk accumulations, that would be still water
or open garbage etc.
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I bought a fogger years ago...one qt of insecticide lasts me 10 years.
I read something this AM
one of the IIRC 3-4 letter govt. agencies are (which ?)
breeding & releasing millions of infected mosquitos,
with some disease (don't remember what) only affects them :jackoff:
they said were released all over the 'east coast' vicinity of late
central-ing on like North Carolina IIRC,
it will disperse & spread like crazy :blah:
(don't remember all the specifics, sorry forgot to copy the link & can't find it now)
But the gist of it, IIRC
when 2 of them have it, & they breed
it make the eggs/offspring sterile, or not even hatch at all
& they if two of them offspring, were to actually live & breed
does the same thing, no second generation
or if they breed with one without the infection/disease
the others they are carriers & will allegedly decrease the populations
by something like 10 fold, when it goes thru the ecosystem...

maybe it will work, usually when humans mess with
Mother Nature, it doesn't go well

good luck people
may give some of you some relief
Haven't been out that much when they've been out, but the lantern flies have been horrible. Never seen them before but this year they're everywhere.
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