Perhaps I was not clear in my previous posts; I absolutely understand that the FT is a "part of the puzzle", and I concede that cars with them more than likely command more value at auction. That said, I am wondering if you will concede that some of those same cars did not have a tag when restored but received one as a part of the restoration even without a broadcast sheet?
The dealer installed options is real and you know it, you just don't want to acknowledge it because it is a gray area that throws doubt and confusion into the OE world. I understand that in the OE world any "dealer installed option" would have to be thoroughly documented in order to be even considered, however I also know that it causes the OE world a degree of pain they would rather not have.
This entire argument revolves around divisions within the hobby. The OE guys do not want anyone to have access to a remade FT because they are concerned "fake" cars will pop up which in turn affects the value of the breed. This same group contends that they are "experts" on the cars and therefore should seemingly be able to spot a "fake", but it would appear there is some question about this ability and/or a worry that a tag could be made so well that it would be impossible to discern whether it was remade or not. This in turn then could conceptually affect the value of market place, additionally there is a worry that they may be fooled by a remade tag and become liable for verifying a car that turns out not to be correct.
The crux of my argument is that the harder you guys push back on this the more likely it is that someone will do exactly what you don't want them to do. You have made this FT deal such an emotional (almost religious) issue that it has served to make people take sides and in extreme cases attempt to thwart it (human nature, tell them they cannot do something and someone will do it). Point in case, there is another thread here where someone relatively new to the hobby asked about getting a tag (the gall...). This person was immediately jumped on something akin to "you will burn in hell if you even think about it" comments about the subject. If on the other hand the thread would have been approached in a more reasonable manner explaining why you believe a remade tag was both controversial and potentially dangerous to the hobby in some circumstances, but offered some guidance (as experts) as to how to get a tag made to fulfill his/her desire yet with and indication that it was not the original tag, it might have been better received.
To that point, this entire argument would probably almost completely go away if someone offered a service to make "replacement" tags which clearly indicated it was not original yet allowed the owner to then have a tag. Some will argue "if you are not trying to fool someone or make a fake car, why do you need a tag?", well its because so much emphasis is placed on these tags and people want their cars to be complete. Its also a result of the car show snobs who openly dismiss cars without tags. Mostly it is because some people in the hobby use the tag/no tag issue as a division point; those with tags are somehow better than those without.
Its obvious that we are approaching this issue from different prospectives, I understand and respect yours but I do not agree with it un its entirety. Unfortunately the discussion immediately digresses to emotion filled shouts of "fraud" "liar", etc. The reality is that it isn't going away and there is a reason for that other than people wanting to do something illicit. There are plenty of people who are not trying to fool anyone or inflate the value of their vehicle yet want that "piece of the puzzle". The problem is, they cannot even have the discussion without being slammed.