I have R&Rd many RV-2 pulleys but, the Sanden is new to me. Any special tools required here? I need to remove part or all of the rear V groove for a clearance issue. I am only using a single belt drive.
I used my damper puller set to get the plate off and the screwdriver/hammer method to pull the pulley. I did switch to tapered punches after the pulley was half way off. Got the pully modified to eliminate the alternator belt interference and decided to address the coolant leak at the H2O pump gasket. Of course the last button head stainless socket head cap screw let the allen wrench slip, so now I hope I can drill it out by only removing the fan package. Mind you this engine may have 30 seconds run time so far in my possession. I seldom seem to luck out.You should use the proper puller to get the drive plate off, once that's done remove the snap ring & then the pulley comes off pretty easy if you pry lightly on one side while lightly tapping the opposite side with a plastic mallet... If it doesn't move you might need a puller but if your gonna use a puller you need the shaft protector... I've done hundreds, haven't used the protector since I took the training... So the pry/tap method should work...
I looked for a link for a cheap puller, didn't find one... FWIW some Sanden clutches do come off fairly easy, you could try prying lightly... But if it doesn't practically just slide off don't force it... Displace the shaft & the compressor is junk...
I think your luck is on par with most of us... Shitty...I used my damper puller set to get the plate off and the screwdriver/hammer method to pull the pulley. I did switch to tapered punches after the pulley was half way off. Got the pully modified to eliminate the alternator belt interference and decided to address the coolant leak at the H2O pump gasket. Of course the last button head stainless socket head cap screw let the allen wrench slip, so now I hope I can drill it out by only removing the fan package. Mind you this engine may have 30 seconds run time so far in my possession. I seldom seem to luck out.