Yard-bird made me chuckle over my first coffee for the morning. Thanks Bud.
We have a name for KFC over here - Dirty Bird. In fact that became my nickname with a bunch of builders I worked with a few years ago....because every time they had chicken for lunch I would laugh, and also my wicked (some say vulgar) sense of humour.
Yep we started calling them that, because at our place as a kid,
they'd always be in the yard, roaming around & pecking seeds
or eating bugs out of the yard, it just kind of stuck...
Hence, the nick name 'Yard Bird' for chickens...
I do love me some good fried chicken...
Our KFC is Col. Kluck {with a K}
we also had an outlet called
General Chicken, we called Gen. Cluck {with a C},
some really stupid/lame stuff, I know...
Popeye's Chicken was just 'ghetto bird', back then,
I won't go into the reasoning here...
They are far better now a Louisiana Cajun Cuisine now,
not catering to the East 14th & 98th st. East Oakland
types anymore, they use to be...