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Hello, I've been having a problem with my headlights where I turn them on and they work no problem. Now if I turn brights on they work for around 4-5 minutes then they start flashing. If I put them back on dim and then to bright it flashes again almost instantly, if I let it sit in dim then back to bright it's fine for a few minutes then it does it again. I figured it was the dimmer switch so I got it replaced and it still does it, the plug to the new switch didn't look burnt or nothing like that. I also saw that the more throttle I give the brighter the headlights get, not sure if that's a feature or just what the car does. Now one more thing I'm a little confused on is I found this switch on the floor when I pulled the carpet up to replace the dimmer switch, its a button with a spring around it and 2 wires running to it. I'm gonna trace the wires and see where they lead but just curious if anyone knows what this thing is? Thank you