About this Mopar:
1987 S.R. cali bummer 318 wuz rollover......MK V Linkin wuz a 2 1/2 month was a strip, surface, paint, cut & buff......my 68 Post Coro, 440 trim, bench, 318ci dry weight 3200 lbs Pup is "Queenie"
My Old Man's special order 66 BB Corvette. had upgraded Kelsey Hayes brakes...........my Brother's 62 E-Type jag photo vin 1967
Chevelle of Santini's expartner i did cut & buff on.....car had been a derelict.....my Co-Pilot, DanaToo, December 1995 - April 3rd 2010 she' bu' de' DanaToo
My Old Man's special order 66 BB Corvette. had upgraded Kelsey Hayes brakes...........my Brother's 62 E-Type jag photo vin 1967
Chevelle of Santini's expartner i did cut & buff on.....car had been a derelict.....my Co-Pilot, DanaToo, December 1995 - April 3rd 2010 she' bu' de' DanaToo