Here are some pics of my 65. It has gone 4.80s in the 1/8 and low 7s in the 1/4. Has a lot more in it. Enjoy the pics.
the first pic is of the car when it was white. Here are pics on what I have done so far.
The second pic is of the glass front end that I layed up and painted. The grill headlights marker lights, emblem, Plymouth letters are all airbrushed, by me of course. I will post some more updates I have to get them off of my phone.
the first pic is of the car when it was white. Here are pics on what I have done so far.
The second pic is of the glass front end that I layed up and painted. The grill headlights marker lights, emblem, Plymouth letters are all airbrushed, by me of course. I will post some more updates I have to get them off of my phone.