Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone. I just posted a video/audio clip on Youtube, featuring my 1968 Plymouth GTX 440, following completion of my restoration project discussed from time to time on this forum. The clip was taken on a moments notice, and was originally intended to demo the lope and tone of the exhaust only. Normally, using the cheap microphone on cell phones, to record exhaust systems, causes audio to 'crap out' at higher volumes. For some reason, this didn't turn out too bad. Hopefully, the new cam and lifters will survive the summer. For your info, the motor and exhaust were cold during this clip and I was burning lousy gas, which could explain the water vapor. That said, if you pick up on anything else that sounds wrong with the old girl, by all means let me know. Your comments are welcome.
Here is the link:
Here is the link: