I'm confused.... the BO29 is a Barracuda, what's that got to do with a road Runner horn ?
Well, someone in the team who was responsible for this SS project, simply decided to put this Plymouth Horn in the Barracuda. This, one can read in a book named AUTHENTICITY GUIDE 1968 DART & BARRACUDA HEMI SUPER STOCK by JIM SCHILD.
If a purple horn for sure was mounted or not, at least I have´t been able to find out yet. But picture in a magazine from this time show a horn was mounted, so I´m quite sure cars was delivered with a horn... also a Super Stocker is kind of a production car, so I guess a horn was mandatory. Picture is of a Dart and not color, so not much help.
Now, if very late ´68 RR,s came with a purple horn, means purple horns was available, and may have been used in the Barracuda.
The first run of Barracudas was delivered in Feb. of 1968, and with the great succés the Road Runner have had it´s likely Chrysler was well on their way with the ´69 production, also meaning purple horns was available.
But also, to take this one more round, the purple horn may only have been mentioned in some paper for the ´69 RR production, and not yet on the shelf.
Thanks guys, I sure we will eventually figure this out...