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Got a chance to buy a 413 and 727 tranny that came out of a motorhome. What are the pros and cons for this going into a B body? The guy wants $600 for both.
Got a chance to buy a 413 and 727 tranny that came out of a motorhome. What are the pros and cons for this going into a B body? The guy wants $600 for both.
We'll make it a package deal and you can take the short bed back with you too ;0. I call it Mopar Bundling
The only real problem with a 413 is piston and ring availability. They are available, but as stock cast replacements and the rings are probably the 5/64 set. If you want to just make a good running engine you can do so for about the same money as a 440 (piston cost will be higher) and you will be just fine. All the aftermarket and OEM 440 accessories with fit. Oh, you might want to check exhaust valve to block clearance. These old 413's has 1.60" EX valves but I don't recall how much room you will have left with the 1.74". We are only talking .070" per side larger so they may be just fine but do check just to be sure.