Well-Known Member
Need some advice on a set of heads I recently had machined. I have a set of 452 heads that I had our local machine shop do a 3 angle valve job on and replace all the exhaust guides that were worn. They also machined all the seats and were suppose to check for cracks or any other problems. Once I got them back I took them part and cleaned up the bowls and re-installed the valves. I painted one of the heads and started to work on the last one, once I got to the last exhaust valve I noticed a small crack in the seat that extends into the head. Well I thought I would just take this one back to the shop and demand my money back for the poor inspection that was done. How could they machine the seats and not notice the crack?? Anyway I have another 452 that I was going to get done but after laying a straight edge across the one that I thought was good I see that the valves stems are not remotely straight or level. How much tolerance is allowed here? I would hate to have to change to adjustable rockers or should I just scrap both heads and start over ?