Holy crap....I might be making a deal for a 57 Dodge Coronet 2 door, Arizona car...all excited, will post pics when I can

Please do! I love those late 50s Coronets. Especially red with black fins.Holy crap....I might be making a deal for a 57 Dodge Coronet 2 door, Arizona car...all excited, will post pics when I can
my wife wants it to be black with white fin or that copper with white finPlease do! I love those late 50s Coronets. Especially red with black fins.
So coolone of these 3 color combo's most likely will be in it's future
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Love the DeSoto'sOne of my dreamed cars… 57/59 Coronet or Custom Royal. Still undecided if 2 doors hardtop or convert
Althought same years DeSotos could work for me too.
But Dodge tail fins looks way better.
Just like shoes on the right woman. My wife’s Candies were about all that I liked about that era.
Ouch! You're not alone; I made some goofs too back when.so I passed