Bear R.-
Well-Known Member
HI Barry here.this is my RARE.!67 Coronet 3 speed on the,ive had this car 6 months now.drove it home.perfect.3 days after driving it"no gas gauge",it runs out of gas i havent had it running since till:"last night".10.4.2012. i bought it w/the 4 barrel set up on it.but wanted it back to code.well i did it but man being on s.s.i its peice at a time.well one peice a month that is but finally .!!!i have a personnalied plate coming its an arizona plate "IN GOD WE TRUST"..RARE67.should be here also sat in the guys yard for 10 plus yrs..he said it was garaged but when i got there i could tell it hadnt one side had been faded so bad it was down to the i tried matching it but couldnt do it w/a can.but hey, better than having just the primer/metal showng through. so here it is im sure youve all seen it alot on here but its running time to get the engine bay cleaned up along w/the trunk area.take care everyone and God Bless..MoPaR or no CaR.right? RIGHT.!!!..