All you would need is a ram charger dual scoop hood I know where there is one for sale for $1800 (had scoops, trim, latch, etc I would have grabbed it if I had a truck with me, should still be there), then an air grabber air cleaner, depending on which engine and carb you have, they are $500 ish, then the cables bolts, rivets, filter, gaskets, seals, etc another $300, and lastly an air grabber setup, well technically a ram charger assembly $700ish...
SO everything is about $3300, hardest part to source is going to be the hood... The good news is your hood is worth really good money right now, probably most of what the rc hood would cost you if its solid and in good shape...
I know a guy who bought an entire car just to get that setup for his car, lol, it was only $12K, and he actually put his hood on that car, did a bit of work to it and sold it for $16K a short while later...