I don't have the diagram....but as you've probably noticed, you see those dust trail stripes in ALL different locations....all over the place. I "think" the dust trail should be like this
1. The "road" & "runner" on the side scoops appears to be a little bit higher up than half-way on the side scoops...not dead-center on the side scoops
2. The back end of the dust trail starts inside the scoop and even with the "road" & "runner" on the side scoop.
3. The front end of the dust trail should go just over the top of the front wheel well.
4. The front sections of the dust trail stripe have a front/back and left/right. It's hard to see, but there are two X's inside that dust (the Road Runner's feet). Those X's should be in front and down.
They say "measure twice"..... for this one, I suggest you measure 5 times. Like I said, I see these stripes going up, going down, too high, too low, upside down, not on the correct side....etc