khryslerkid, I barrowed a tool from a local shop, You can switch the bushing by pulling the drive shaft and seal, I don't have a picture of the tool and have returned it, It was aprox 10" long and had 6 stems with a lip on the end of each, the base has a bolt in it.
I had to put a hose clamp around the fingers/ stems and tighten it down to were it would just slide over the output shaft , slide the fingers past the end of the bushing then release the hose clamp, that allows the up turned ends to grab the forward end of the bushing, then a 9/16 socket on the bolt end , crank it down out out comes the bushing.
Drove in the new one with a race/ bushing driver the correct size to start, once I bottomed out on the output shaft I had to switch to a deep well impact socket that fit over the shaft to drive it on in flush, when I say drive I was being easy and using light taps so I wouldn't peen the new bushing,
I set the oil hole at top / 12:00 since that was the way the other old bushing was, stuck in a new seal and installed the drive shaft. and then posted my question after the fact and the car was on the ground. Start to finish was not a hr.
I have seen the tool on ebay or ones similar used ones run around $80 I was lucky a guy I know let me barrow his.