I am looking for a big block 727 transmission. And I came across this one. It has the following numbers by the pan rail. PK 801543J 2261 1 75
Any ideas? Thanks!
Any ideas? Thanks! am looking for a big block 727 transmission. And I came across this one. It has the following numbers by the pan rail. PK 801543J 2261 1 75
Any ideas? Thanks!
No problem, I thought I had a link to a "decoder" as well but can't seem to find it.Thank you for that information. However I know it is a big block and a 727. And that it is most likely a 66-67 because of the park/neutral switch. I posted the part number to see if anyone might know what year and model it was. I searched for the information already.
i think that's a 10000 day calendar ID number, are you sure it's correct and that's all the digits? From what you've provided looks like it's a 1967 trans.I am looking for a big block 727 transmission. And I came across this one. It has the following numbers by the pan rail. PK 801543J 2261 1 75
Any ideas? Thanks!