My '73 Challenger came with power front disc brakes/rear drums and I want to know if I can use the master cylinder on a 1970 Superbird that wants to convert to power disc brakes. My master cylinder is part number 3461 176, stamp number 3461187, and it has a 1-1/32" bore size. I think the '70 B-Body disc brake master cylinder is a 1-1/8" bore size if it had come from the factory with front disc brakes. I don't really know whether the 1-1/8" bore size is for manual disc or power disc on the '70 B-Body or if it's the same. And I don't know whether that size would even matter in the case that the power disc brake conversion consisted of late E-body parts. Would it then require 1-1/32" bore size? Please help. Thanks!