I'm a day 2 type car guy personally, I think there's always room for improvement, over factory stuff {I do like the body lines left alone usually thou} & I don't like everything he's built either, but I don't really get the hatred or contempt, directed towards Chip Foose thou either {maybe it's resentment or jealousy, I'm not sure WTF it's all about}... But he's done much more with cars & design or fabrication, paint etc., in all aspects of the industry, of all make & models, ground up builds, engineering & design, much much more than that Overhaulin' show & he's also done much more then 99% of all of us "ever will do"... He also worked for Boyd Coddington as a designer, builder, painter, fabricator for a while too, also his fathers shop Sam Foose... He has also designed cars for Cadillac, Ford & other OEM's... Like I said before "I'm not crazy about all his stuff either, but I completely respect the man & his abilities"... IMHO he's a car designer/artist, wheel designer, car builder, car fabricator, car customizer & car innovator, car guy period, not just a parts replacer/restorer or painter {not that anything is wrong with that, there's room for all types}, how many of them have won the Riddler Award or designed a car for a manufacturer ??, let alone build a car from the ground up 100's of times... But to each their own, that's what's cool about cars & the hobby, people can like & do what they want, with their own stuff & especially Mopars... Many people say they like Mopars, because they want to be different {but tow the purist line, mentality} & don't want to be like the Camaro or Mustang crowd etc., millions of the same thing done the same damn way or even over done to the Nth degree... I guess that's just mostly purist mentality & talk, when someone does something out of the norm, tries to be different, tries something out of the purist type norm mentality... IMHFO, Build it how you want it, drive it like you stole it & damn the rest... My $0.02 cents