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A Little Wheel Ranting


Well-Known Member
Local time
8:17 AM
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Orange Park, FL
Let me say, as many of you know, I'm old school. My frame of reference is if you need wheels, you've got stock, Cragars, slots, turbines, Keystone Klassics, or five or six other styles you found in the back of Hot Rod for $40 a wheel. But...

WTF is it with guys today and all these freaking wheels! :) Seriously, I go on eBay to look for 1974 road runner parts and I get 37,000+ matches and 30,000 of them are auctions/sales for wheels! Page after page after page after page of wheels. And the problems don't stop there. I go on craigslist and an easy 60% of the car parts for sale are... these same damn wheels, except now they're being sold by the suckers who bought them new and they've learned the hard way that when you put these wheels on a car and try to sell it or trade it in, financiers only finance the value of a stock car, and if you've got $2,500 worth of wheels on a $10k car, the most the new buyer will get a loan for is $10k, so you're out $2,500 if you don't put the stock wheels on and try to sell the goofy aftermarket wheels separately.

Even worse is the manly hobby of cars and cruising has now become the equivalent of women's shoes and purses because now the ability of a used wheel to sell is no longer based on just size and mounting holes, but now no one wants "last year's style". :) As a result I not only have to see the add for "20" RIMS FOR SALE. AWESOME" for $2,000... I have to see it when the price goes to $1,750, then $1,500, then $1,200, then $1,100, and on down to $250. Now multiply those ads by a couple hundred and that's what craigslist has become.

And the topping on the cake is now that these chrome nightmare gotta-haves have captured so much of the market, lots of retailers have realized they can make money financing these wheels for pinheads, which now means the same thing that happened once cars could be financed in the 1970s is happening to wheels, and now I'm seeing sets of wheels, with no tires, selling for over $3,000!!! That's $3,000 for a set of "statement" wheels, plus another $500 to $1,000 for the huge tires you need to have to go on them, and since there are about a gazillion styles to fit every owner's tastes, few people want those wheels when the sucker tries to get rid of them. At least with a car you could expect to get 50% depreciation once you drove a mile. With these wheels it's more like 95%.

I think anyone who buys a set of wheels new today is just nuts because as saturated as the new market is, the used market is just as saturated and anyone who finances a set of these wheels is simply and utterly mad!!!

Rant off. :)
That's a pretty funny rant Bruz .. maybe it should have been Big wheel ranting
Well, well, well, isn't that just a bunch of ranting over nothing haha. O.K I'll agree that it may get old seeing all of the used wheels for sale and when one purchases such wheels as I am about to do they shouldn't be expecting to EVER get they're money back. Now to my beef with your rant "the utterly mad pinheads", O.K is it ridiculous to pay $2,500 for wheels? Hell yeah it is but if you know what you want and it's going to cost that then what do you do? I didn't spend the last 3 years building my dream car to drop the ball when it comes to putting wheels on it. I don't like Keystones, Cragars, Slots, Turbines and I don't like the ever so popular Torque Thrust (alright they're cool just to popular) the point is I'm not compromising on the look I'm after because they cost $2,500 (ouch). Here's something else to consider, when ordering these custom wheels you are getting 100% what you want, backspacing, width, dia, etc. Second, they are 100% billet aluminum meaning no rust (chrome) and no pitting like the cheaper cast wheels do meaning you have an easier wheel to take care of that you should always be able to bring back to life with some rubbing. Not a pinhead but more of a zero compromise kinda guy. Here's the $2,500 turds I'll be buying for my pinhead Charger haha.

View attachment 171024
Some are just "Foosed.
For a nice custom car like what 747mopar is building, custom wheels make plenty of sense. I think Bruzilla was thinking more of the expensive wheels put on daily drivers. Yep, I've even seen rent-to-own or rent-to-rent wheels and tire deals so the stupid kid who can barely afford to buy a car can pay out the wazoo for tires and rims he doesn't need just because he can afford a weekly payment.
To each his own!
I've seen what you're talking about. I believe most of this "recycling of wheels" are from the "tuner" crowd. They go through wheels like my ex went through shoes.
I'll get on eBay to search for "1962 Dodge" and I'll see everything from apple's to tampons that fit a 1962 Dodge. I've learned to type "used" in front of my search and it cleans up a lot of the unwanted items...
I think he ment those people who buy a $700 car and stick $2500 wheels on it. I have actually seen people buy ex police cars at auction in Miami for $500, then spend $20,000 on HUGE chrome wheels
IMHFO the wheels & tire you like or pick can make or break a cars overall look, kind of like jewelry for you car... I'm not a big fan of anything over about 18" rims {maybe 19's with the correct stance wheel/tire combo} on these older Muscle cars they look kind of rollerskatish too me, our B-Bodies have some huge fender/wheel wells a little bigger tire & wheel is a must for me... I don't care for the 14" wheel much either, look way to small on these big cars... but too each there own, everyone has their own taste & likes... I buy what I like, I don't generally care if someone else likes them or not... I am partial to the older style too, but a few of the newer styles intrigue me too, really depends on what look your going for... my $0.02 cent, I can see both side of the argument, just don't buy into it...

- - - Updated - - -

I would never finance a set of rims for any of my cars either
There was a time everyone had color match painted steel wheels or the old Chrome Reverse {some with baby moon caps} or the wire wheels & I don't care for that look much either... trends change over time, that's kind of what happens....
I guess there's a great reason why "the fool and his money are soon parted" has been around for centuries. :) And no, I'm not just talking big, or even new style wheels either. I've seen more than a few ads for people selling like-new 15" Cragars that they bought new and now have for sale, despite the fact there are always a couple sets of these for sale on craigslist.

Aside from the annoyance from ads, what really bugs me... and I'm ranting again, is one of the things that guys like me always busted on ricers about was how they would drop a TON of money on crap that did nothing to make their cars better performers, like fart can muffler tips, strobe lights, amps, underside light kits, i.e., all-show-and-no-go stuff, and now I'm seeing all these guys blowing even more bucks to get the "hot" wheel today that'll be the "cold" wheel tomorrow. I can't help but remember this one guy I sold an Expedition to in 2004 who dropped over $2,000 on fancy wheels and tires, then he comes back less than a month later trying to get his money back because now he's found an even cooler set of wheels he wants. I told him to forget the new wheels because a month from now he'll find a set he likes even better than the new ones he wants now! The idiot ended up going across the street to the custom wheel and sound place we used all the time and dropped $2,200 out-of-pocket getting those wheels, and they gave him a $300 credit for trading in the first wheels he had just bought, so he was out $4,000 in under a month on frigging wheels, that are nothing but cosmetic. Yep... to me that's pretty insane.

And 747, more power to you brother! Like I said, I'm old school and can think of a ton of things I could do to my car for $2,500 that would make it a much better car than blowing that money on wheels... rust proof or not. But to each their own. :)
lite-weight forged wheel, spun alum. even a few cast alum, or especially magnesium wheels can actually help you car perform, it's less un-sprung weight, less reciprocating weight, less power to turn or stop them, it's a performance adder/enhancer, "if they're lighter & not heavier"... Unfortunately most people that add the big heavy hoops don't do the big brake upgrade, to help stop the car with more un-sprung reciprocating weight {actually killing some power/performances}... aka big heavy wheels, forged wheels are usually lighter & stronger, less flex/deflection too, than the cast or steel smaller counterparts....
Whenever I search eBay for a car parts, I always get more lights than anything else. I can't complain too much as I've actually bought LEDs for both my classics off eBay. I just wish there was a way to improve the "signal to noise" ratio of my searches.

Wheels aren't entirely all show and no go. Switching from stock sizes (14"s 15"s) to a larger size (at least 17") opens up a lot of performance tire options. Now on modern cars that's probably not the reason...but for old muscle it does make a difference :)
Foosed. And look at poor Boyd, died after digging up that car in the midwest. They both sell those grotesque wheels.

FloridaOctober2013 015.jpg We can all strive for this.
My beef with the new wheels nowadays are the low profile tires on them.

My wife bought a new Lincoln with 19" wheels and low profile tires. The car is nice as heck, but just yesterday I noticed the SECOND tire that has to be replaced. Around this area, it now looks like the lunar landscape due to the thousands of tire eating potholes. A 60 or 70 series tire can handle a nasty pothole better, and takes the rub if you get close to a curb. With a 19 wheel, the rim gets gauged from the curb or bent from the pothole. The tire also fails because the cords get cut by the potholes.

Enough is enough. I don't want rubber band tires on any of my cars. (Having said that, I am OK with a nice 17 or 18 inch rim as long as the tire profile is a 50 series or more.)
yeah when going on E-Scam anymore & I rarely even do anymore, using certain key words, get you thousands & thousands of unrelated items that have nothing to do with, what your actually looking for "at all"... It use to be a good market place, use to be a great tool & it needs to be cleaned up some, at-least in how stuff is listed anyway {I'm sure if you've been on E-Scam at all you know what I mean}, so if I go on looking for some part, for a 68 RR Automobile or what ever specific piece/part, I don't get ever piece of crap, that has absolutely nothing to do with my search criteria at all... I'm with ya' on that part Bruzilla...
Let me say, as many of you know, I'm old school. My frame of reference is if you need wheels, you've got stock, Cragars, slots, turbines, Keystone Klassics, or five or six other styles you found in the back of Hot Rod for $40 a wheel. But...

WTF is it with guys today and all these freaking wheels! :) Seriously, I go on eBay to look for 1974 road runner parts and I get 37,000+ matches and 30,000 of them are auctions/sales for wheels! Page after page after page after page of wheels. >>edit<<
Rant off. :)

I hear ya. And I've learned to do a more selective search on eBay for precisely the 'wheel problem'. Just add a minus sign. For example, put up a search for "roadrunner" right now, and you'll get about 33,700 listings. Then search for "roadrunner -wheels" and it deletes all the 'wheels' ads, and the number drops to 14,000.
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