Ed, If your factory intake is a square bore style it will bolt on, If you have a spread bore intake you will need one plates to make the cross over. Use a insulated carb gasket the edelbrock will heat soak more than a holley,
max fuel pressure is 6 to 7 lbs.
fuel line will need some mods,
edelbrock sells a Chrysler throttle cable adapter to hook to the side of the carb, but with you having the 4 speed all you will need is a small machine screw/bolt double nutted on the carb arm , drill a hole through the screw/ bolt so you can put the washer and cotter pin on it, or just grab a mopar throttle pin for a auto trans car and mount on the edelbrock.
fuel pressure will be the hiccup if you have after market pump you may have to stick a regulator on it and cut it down some.