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Any other retirees with a part time job?


Well-Known Member
Local time
10:11 AM
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Colorado Springs
I thought I'd get a little job just to pay for car parts. I found this independent living home that looks like a 4-star hotel. Being at the desk a few nights couldn't hurt. So I signed up just as a substitute when the others were sick or on vacation. Then there was a rash of car break-ins so we patrolled the parking areas until they got a security service. (These old folks are rich and have nice SUVs.) Then a driver hurt his back. Now I'm taking these old ladies to their doctor's offices in a new Toyota van or a Cartier Lincoln. Piece of cake but not what I signed up for. This is the place. Do any other retirees have a part-time job?

Independent Living in Colorado Springs, CO
They have a billiards room, a pool, a jacuzzi, a chapel, and everyone has a balcony. Movies, a massage therapist, 3 meals a day, laundry service, a fitness instructor with a gym, and another guy plus me to take them places. They get taken to outings to different mountain towns including the casinos at Cripple Creek. They're living large. Check the pictures above.
I went back to work part time aprox 25 hrs a week.
Driving cars for a wholesale auto auction.
Auction day we drive them through the sale lanes, rest of the week it's pickup and delivery to dealerships.
I was bored. :steering:
I retired January 2024 after 40 years in engineering.

I've been working 17 to 25 hours a week at a chain auto parts store since June first. When I'm assigned to drive and deliver parts it's a great job. When I'm replacing 3 to 4 batteries an hour on a 108 degree day I'm worried I'll collapse before the shift is over.

The general public thinks they have the right to abuse the retail employee. I could write a thousand page book on the stupidity and abuse from the people who call the store and come in with the expectation to get something for nothing.

Store crime is also excessive and I'm just not the kind of guy to tolerate it.

I may quit any day now .......
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Yes, I work about 25 hours a week doing forensic engineering. I started the company about 20 years ago just before I retired from the USAF. I have been raising my rates every year, hoping to lose clients, but I am doing the same amount of work for way too much money. Next year I am doubling my rates in the hope of losing half my clients or more. Definitely retiring at 70 (I’ll be 68 this December) but my cases will take 2 to 3 years to close out. Keep busy for sure!
I thought about doing something on a smaller part time basis, but here's my story.
I'm 71 and on social security, and i qualified, and have an EBT card from the state of California, for food at the grocery store.
The card used to be good for a full four weeks of food, before prices skyrocketed up in price.
If i go back to work, the EBT card goes away, once they find out that i'm receiving income again.
And then it also screws up, my monthly social security payment.
So, i would like to do something with my time, in my old age, but it's just not going to pencil out for me anymore.
Gotta keep it the way it is.
Jim V.
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I became bored also and SS doesn't pay enough (just enough with nothing left over).

Working for a parts house delivering parts 25 hrs a week. Wish I was physically able to work more hrs but can barely handle the 25 hrs.
Retired this past Dec. at age of 64, had thoughts to go as early as 62, But I liked my job and the people I worked with so decided to push it out a little bit. That turned into almost 3 years when I finally called it a day
Told the bosses in June it was time. Gave them 6 months notice. They tried and tried to get me to stay another 6 months, another year. Told them it was time. I had things I wanted to do without having to worry about time off / timeframes with a job

I have some house remodeling projects on the list to do.
And some long weekend trips with my wife I want to do in the next 12-18 months

I might look into something part time. Next year.

Then again......Might not
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I'd only be interested in a job as a Bra Fitter. I'm very handy.
< I can do that.
I thought I'd get a little job just to pay for car parts.

With my son buying a nice home I am taking another look at real estate. Yes, homes are too expensive but what choice do we have? Even if the bubble bursts, Colorado is growing so much that I don't think it will have much effect here. The home we built in 2000 is worth 3X as much now. Some of our cars have gone up in value and some haven't.

I know most of us buy for enjoyment not investment but damn. All I really need is a roomy car with a radio and AC. So what I've got is maybe $85K in cars right now. If I was smart I'd sell those and put a down payment a rental property or up-size.

Yesterday morning you wanted to sell your cars and become a slum lord and 9 hours later you want to get a part time job to pay for car parts.

Have you got ADD, dope or both? :lol:
I was very young when I retired, 52. My brother and I had a renovation business after I retired for about 5 years. Flipped a few homes, and now, don't bother me. I'm done, I'm 68 now.
I retired in 2020. I'm still playing music. It pays decent, free beer and on a good night I still get flashed.

I retired on disability 3 1/2 years ago then was put on Social Security Disability a year later. I would like to find a part time job for some extra money but since the insurance company is still paying me some money (the difference from what they were paying me vs what SS is) whatever money I make would be deducted from that amount which makes it not worth it. Now if I could find something that pays in cash...
I’m really thinking 2025. I’m certain to be doing some aerospace company auditing. Have the credentials and one week work a month will pay well to support the car hobby and keep me sane.
When I retired in 2011, I decided to no more work even part-time. With my pension, VA Disability, and SS, I make a good and decent wage so I am pretty well set. I don't buy anything more that I cannot handle and invest in very little other than Silver Bullion which is more of a hobby than an income stream. I own a home that has a very nice equity to it, but I don't want to tap that for cars or parts. In fact. I still have a bunch of 66 parts left over from my 66 Ply Say project which I sold back in 2022. No one wants to buy any of it so it will get cashed in for scrap metal which I would rather not do, but it seems that the 66 model year isn't all as lucrative as the other years. Hell, I am willing to give it away for free plus shipping on the new owner's part. But that is for the WTB and For Sale side of FBBO. Now at 75 plus, no need to work so I just sit back and enjoy my hobbies and FBBO...cr8crshr/Bill:usflag::usflag::usflag:
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