OK,,,,I GOTTA GET IN ON THISSSSSSSSSSSSSS,,,,remember back when,,,years ago ,,,before OSHA and MSHA.??? theres was no monitoring of the work place. if you did something stupid and got hurt. IT WAS YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT.,,,,,right? well...not any more ! ( i am a union carpenter that seen this happen over the past 20 years). now at work...i have to wear so much safety gear...that it actually hinders my job performance.,,,not to mention cumbersome and difficult to wear. this country...( and C-A-N-A-D-I-A ) WAS BUILT WITHOUT ALL THIS SAFETY GEAR.! heres a breakdown of the crap i have to wear daily.
1. hard hat
2. work gloves.....(ever hang drywall with big gloves on?)
3.day-glo green vest
4. safety glasses
5. ear plugs.
6.steel toe boots
7.leg bands
8. safety harness and lanyard
now tell me how i am supposed to perforn in an efficent manner wearing all that NONSENCE???????????
its the dumbass stupid idiots that are too stupid to know better and right from wrong,,,and insurance companies. they wont look at your claim if youre not wearing all those things and get hurt....can you beleive this?
GOD BLESS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...(and canadia)
so we need baby sat while we try to make a living.............freekin amazing!