Coronet 14
Well-Known Member
What kind of squirrel are you feeding? My wife guards hersThat sucker must be part mongoose.
I should probably rethink hand feeding my squirrel.
What kind of squirrel are you feeding? My wife guards hersAnyways, we have several in our neighborhood (smallest lot is 1/2 acre) and there are a few nests in my trees and most are not afraid of us but we keep our distance. I put out water and throw out some food but we do not hand feed them. Really don't want them to get too used to humans because there are too many that want to just see them dead and go out of their way to run over them out on the street. Hell, some ahole ran over my dog years ago and I live on a dead end street! I'm not against hunting but hate to see any animal killed needlessly. I heard several neighbors say they get into their attics etc but I say bullshit. I've been here 30 years and that's never happened. If any animal is getting into your attic, then you need to fix your house.