Exactly what Dave said.
You want to measure the 'length' of the threads in the balancer, to get a good idea what length of helicoil to use, and of course the correct thread diameter and pitch.
You also want to buy the correct helicoil 'kit'. Helicoils use their own 'special' taps, and drill sizes, that are part of the kit.
Again, as Dave said, pull the balancer to do this job. Be as precise as possible on installing the helicoils. (I'd do all six!)
You want the helicoils, that are actually stainless steel threads, NOT to be past the surface, front or back, but slightly recessed. Once in place, both front and back, using a center punch, 'stake' both ends of each helicoil, by locking them in place by closing the ends of the threaded parts of the balancer itself.
Take your time at it.