This is basically how I track down my wiring problems. You obviously have a short to ground somewhere. I believe you need a good/professional multi-meter to run the current through it. It's just a matter of elimination & a wiring diagram is REQUIRED. You just start disconnecting circuits until your amp/voltage drop goes to zero.
Sorry to get basic.... for example. Disconnect the positive battery post, connect a good meter with one lead to the disconnected + cable & the other meter lead to the + of the battery, you should be showing something like 1-volt (or whatever) which is the current being lost to your electrical short. Then, one at a time, you disconnect circuits. For example, pull fuse #1 and see if the 1-volt on your meter is still there. If yes, put fuse #1 back in & pull out fuse #2 and so on. If none of the fuses being pulled make your meter drop to "0-volts", then start disconnecting wires at the bulkhead disconnect....again, one at a time. Once you find a circuit (either the fuse or a wire on the bulkhead disconnect) that once disconnected, your meter drops to "0-volts" then you've found the circuit with the short.
Now the tough step......start disconnecting things that are on that bad circuit, again one at a time. If you're lucky, you'll find some electrical part that has a short in it. Otherwise, you have to do basically the same thing to the wires. However, with wires, I try to disconnect both ends of the wire and use the Ohms setting on my meter and check for a ground in sections. For example, if you find a short in the fuel level sending unit circuit, I would disconnect the wire at the fuel sending unit & at the disconnect behind the kick panel then check that wire for ground (resistance not equal to "1"). Since that wire is NOT a ground wire, if my resistance is not "1" (meaning something close to "0") then there's a short somewhere in that wire. I then check that wire inch by inch for the problem OR just bypass that wire & run a replacement wire next to it as a replacement (not the correct way, but it works too).