LOL you guys are funny... pickups are huge right now on the resto market and Chevys and Fords are what the people want.
As far as the rest of the Chevy stuff..... you guy's like Mopar... Chevy guys like Chevy and the Chevys are fetching high dollars.. Baseball, Apple Pie and Chevrolet.... Mopar has always been less popular. Heck they couldn't even sell the Superbirds off the lots when they were new. Might not be popular for me to say but there are more Chevy guys out their than mopar guys and that's why they sell for what they sell for. I didn't see the show but I watch a lot of auctions and that's what I see happening. No disrespect to Mopar guys at all... they are just a minority compared to Chevy guys
Remember where your at... I'm sure if it was a Super Chevy site/forum, you would here far more "
yea ha's", than on a Mopar/B Body Site...I don't dislike Chevy's at all, I'm actually a big GM fan, always have been... Mopars are still my 1st love thou, regardless of value & I like being different, than everyone else in the herd... But those were some completely ridiculous prices, there was a deal or 2 but few & far between IMHFO anyway... Especially for "new old stock", corroded & rusted out or rotting hulks, no matter how few or how many miles they had, for the most part... Prices those people were paying are, "
stored, cared for & preserved survivor prices" & not a, rotted out, rusted, corroded, pitted, ripped up, weather beaten, sun fried snow covered, sand/wind blasted, rusted out hulk prices... I could actually see some justification for some of the prices, being justified for a few of the ultra rare select few, if they were better preserved, but they weren't, the majority of the 496 cars were stored in a soy bean field & in a tree stand with a bunch of trees growing up thru most all of them, for some as far back or since 1947, outside !!, with like only 55 cars/trucks "I think it was" that actually were stored indoors & but most of them, they weren't in very good shape either, for the $$$$$...
Yes the Chevy Brand is very popular, sold probably 5-1 of any Mopars, but also
overpaying, is over paying, no matter which brand you love or choose to by, PERIOD !!... Many of them are going overseas, to speculators with really DEEP POCKETS & Auction Whales or investors/buyers from Europe, Sweden, Australia, etc. & many other foreign countries, were they pay shipping costs that sometimes, that rival a "sales cost/purchase price for our old 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's & 70's American Muscle too... IMHFO it's "
Not" very smart buying... But that's the way the consumers are sometimes, letting emotion drive the price, getting caught up in the moment & all the hype... I look at it as a good thing... Now our much rarer Mopars {
many will say much cooler too...LOL...}, will probably bring more money, because the justification will be, "
look what all those Idiots, paid for mostly rusted out GM/Chevy hulks in a Pierce Nebraska's soybean fields/mostly all drug out of a forest"... So much for the collector car markets being dead !! or in a so called decline in the sales prices, like some will want you to think... Some people, just have "
more money then sense/brains" too & it seems there are allot of them that are Chevy people now... No matter the brand of cars sold... My $0.02 cent