Thanks PurpleBeeper. I have never had dollars for big block. Barely had bucks for small blocks.
So I just learned on what I had.
Kerndog was correct for sure. I was stoned stupid when I heard of that place (name still escapes me) that took 318’s out to a 4.0 bore. But IF the cylinder walls remain thick enough.....
The engine mount issue is a small issue. The 340 & 360 share that mount.
@WileERobby I applaud that action for a route seldom taken that bucks nearly every mouth that hot rods a engine. Ever so discarded as just a people mover unworthy of any attention except basic maintenance service for moving a car around, the small size is not an end all or determining factor for going fast.
While it’s cubic inch displacement is a limit in ultimate speed and power, it isn’t always easier
to run out and get another engine to go fast. The challenge to use a smaller engine for fun/hot rodding or racing is do-able. The user just has to know the short comings and advantages of there engine and work around them and/or use it to there advantage.
Know your weapon and know it well. Fear none!
I would suggest a larger engine to the OP (if anything more than some basic/mild improvements are in mind) in a B body since the B body tends to be a good bit heavier than an A body which can get VERY light when you work at it.