If you got a press and dial indicator, your half way there.
Since you’ll be changing everything, no need to check backlash. So let’s gets started.
Mark the bearing caps so you which way and what side they go on. Remove bearing caps.
Pry out the carrier, they can be stubborn.
Take an 1 5/16 socket to the pinion nut with an air gun. Remove the yoke, it can be stubborn also.
If the pinion doesn’t come out easily use a brass punch and BFH. Remove the seal. There are shims on the pinion, don’t lose them.
Knock out the old races, there will be shims under the BIG race, don’t lose them.
Now you’ll need to clean out the housing, get it military clean as you don’t want and crap ruining your new bearings and gears.
Set up bearings is what I use, but if you don’t have them, you can use the old set, just be careful not screw them up when you take them off. On the carrier bearings, there will be shims under those, don’t lose them.
Take a small flap wheel to the old bearings and you want them to be able to slide on/off. Now we can start.
Knock in the small pinion race, now take the shims that we’re under the big pinion race and lay those in, knock in the big bearing race. The small shims that sat just below the pinion yoke splines, install them. Push the pinion into the housing, small bearing up top (under the yoke) thrust washer, yoke and a nut that is not the locking type (just a regular 7/8 fine thread). Do not install the seal yet! Tighten the nut with your impact gun. You’ll want rotational torque to be around 30inlbs. You might need to beg/steal/barrow one. To tight, add a small shim to the ones under the front small bearing, too loose, take one out. Do this until you get 30inlbs of ROTATIONAL torque.
Carrier, put the shims on the same side as you took them off, slip on the bearing and race, drop them in the housing. Tighten bearing caps and Check backlash. Shoot for .007, as things wear in, it will lossen up a bit.
Not at .007, move the shims, take one from one side, and put it one the other. Repeat until you have .007.
Now check the pattern. You want it centered on the tooth, top to bottom and front to back. The internet has all kinds of pics of acceptable patterns.
Once your happy, disassemble and install new bearings. Torque to spec, don’t for get to install the seal and locktite the pinion nut.
This is it in a nutshell, so if your unsure, have a buddy that’s done a few help ya out. It’s just nuts/bolts/shims, not building the space shuttle. You can do it, take your time, ask if ya got questions. We are here to help.