yes it has to be fairly exact, now there are a couple of ways you can get this done right:
1) take it to an experience welding shop, provide a set of new perches and the OE pinion angle desired, they will weld them in the place you tell them to at the same angle
2) emplace axle in car on new spring perches (having removed the old perches), use a pinion angle finder and support your axle at the appropriate angle, then tack welding the spring perches into place with the correct angle - remove axle housing and permanently weld the perches into place making sure you rotate your welding between the perches so as to not overheat the housing and warp it
3) the close as possible way without using a pinion angle tool: take it to a friend who welds, c clamp the housing onto two stable and flat mounts (saw horses, benches, etc.), level the housing by emplacing a level on the flat part of the perches, then measure where the new perches need to go, emplace one new perch in the correct position - level it with the other perches, tack it into place and then recheck the level, once satisfied on the placement for both sides, weld permanently into place, and then remove old perches with a torch or sawzall and then grind down the mounting welds