RIP Dennis... He was great in the old Gangster/Cop series "Crime Story" as a A-typical hard a$$/over the top cop/federal agent, in Vegas, set during the late 50's early 60's... He drove a cool black 57-58 Fury or Desoto too...
Actually, the shine box line from Goodfellas was delivered by the character Billy Batts portrayed by the actor Frank VincentHe won some American Comedy award for Get Shorty, don't know about any "big prize" nominations. I know he was great in Midnight Run and Snatch (playing pretty much the same guy in all three. Whatever, stick w what ya know), and delivered one of my favorite movie lines...GO AND GET YER F**KIN' SHINE BOX, TOMMY!
You are correct sir. I don't know how I got that wrong, even when I picture it in my mind I can tell its not DF. Frank Vincent played Nicky Spolotro's right hand man (and eventual executioner) in Casino, too.Actually, the shine box line from Goodfellas was delivered by the character Billy Batts portrayed by the actor Frank Vincent