We provide the Top Catwhiskers to the vendors along with many other restoration parts. After 28 plus years of dealing predominately in the area of weatherstripping, you will find general trends. None of the reproduction door, roof rail and trunk weatherstrip works as well as the original pieces and this is coming from someone involved directly in the manufacturing of those pieces for the market place. I always suggest trying to locate good original door and roof rail seals if at all possible.
Just because one brand typically works well for one year model and body style does not mean that the brand will work well for a different body style and year model. Due to us dealing with all of the weatherstripping companies, we suggest mixing and matching components from the major manufactures; Clester's, Metro, Precision, RSSI, Soff Seal, Steele, etc. based on the needs of the customer. All of us buy from each other to have product coverage and it is not uncommon to have product repackaged by the vendors. That is one reason that it is difficult for some of the smaller vendors being able to put together "kits" as there profit margins would not be as great and they do not have the opportunity to stock all of the various manufactures.
Pricing can be all over the board. Know what brand your buying. Things that most do not know is that there are different levels of parts from the same manufacture. Vendors will sell you unflocked quarter glass seals at the same price as the flocked pieces. Yet, there cost is substantially less and all weatherstripping after 1962 was typically flocked. Trunk seals have huge variances and a variety of styles, yet most vendors will only stock 1 style when in fact the options is even beyond what I can provide.
Ask questions to your favorite vendor, seek out the vendors who deal directly with restoration shops as they typically have a better knowledge of what works. You guys can message me as well and I will attempt to answer the question or make suggestions on what will work best.