One of my favorites is the I95-92 interchange...doesn't matter which one you take, you end up in the same place...and the truck tipover warning on the exit ramp.
I used to work out in the middle of nowhere between haines city and davenport.
Back in the late 80's/early 90's there were very few cars out that way, and the roads were nice and long and straight for the most part. I had my Super Bee part of that time (and my Torino GT and turbo Daytona), and sometimes I could go 100+ MPH for nearly all of the trip.
One of those days, cruising about 95, I see a faily new firebird formula 350 in the mirror that looks like he's gaining on me!
Oh, HELL no! I say as he moves into the left lane, and floor it. We run with him at my door, and me starting to pull ahead up to about 130-140, and then I see an M body in the mirror with the lights going, at the top of a small hill behind us.
So...I back out, and the cop passes me at about 110, and I'm guessing he was toped aout about 125 or so.
Never saw em again, or heard anything about it.