The manual states to adjust points to 14-19 and the dwell should be 30-35.The issue is when I set the points at 14 I'm getting a dwell reading of about 26.Should I lower the point gap even smaller to get the correct dwell reading?
Okay...look at your own numbers. Gap at .014, getting dwell of 26. Manual tells you to gap at .014 - .019, and dwell between 30-35. That should tell you your gap is too small.
But, know that (probably already do) dwell is...the 'time', in degrees, that the points are open. That recommended dwell number is simply giving you a number to go for, for the best spark to the plugs.
Been years since I fooled with a dwell meter. Even have one, but batteries for it haven't been made for 25 years. So, only talking from past experience, and knowing that the rubbing block on the point set, can wear down...and make the gap smaller. Right?
So, putting gap on the high side, like .017, maybe .018, normally put dwell on the high side of the range.
Getting a certain dwell number dialed in, is easy, on one set of points...not so easy on dual points. Unless, you can set both point gaps exactly the same. But, the dwell falls into the needed range, to work right, and last awhile.
In my case, I know a gap of .017, puts dwell where is should be. Be better to get .0175.