I'm not a big fan of off the shelf Push-rods... Has the block been decked/milled ??, have the heads been milled ??, what head gaskets are you using/what thickness ??
{0.020" steel shim or 0.39"-0.040" compressed like a Fel-Pro or Cometic or what ever make & thickness's}, what rocker ratio, 1.5:1 or 1.6:1 ??, what base circle is the camshaft ??, what spring pressures
{determine thickness/material or styles} & what type retainers &/or installed spring heights ??, It's not really an off the shelf Item "USUALLY", there're many factors that figure into the length of "
your specific push-rod needs" for your exact milling spec., type & length of lifter, camshaft type hyd. or solid & base circle, what valve spring pressures, rocker, head, gasket, combo, to keep the rocker tips, in or near the center of the valve tip, thru-out the 360* of full lift/rotation... You can shim rocker shafts or use a lash cap too
{I personally like the lash-caps myself, especially on my race engines, some will say "don't use them", but I like the larger & much harder surface area, for the rockers to stay in the center of longer, for better geometry & no valve-tip wear, there are negatives too, if you loose a push rod or rocker, the lash caps could go down into the engine, fortunately I've never had that issue with the proper type/sized/style/diameter lash-caps}...Also if they are too short, you have more adjuster sticking out the bottom & will weaken them & oil starvation at the cup & ball connections, could cause a failure to them too, sometimes with more than 3 threads showing under the rocker on the adjusters... A couple of $12 adjustable push-rods one for intake & 1 for the exhaust, do a pair of valves at a time, is well worth the minimal cost.... I have used Smith Brothers Pushrods @
http://www.pushrods.net/pushrods.html for years now, I always check ever combo with-out exceptions, too many variable to just buy any off the shelf push rod unless your 100% sure it's the length you will actually need, with a bunch of aftermarket parts & various machine work done, it's cheap insurance to make absolutely sure, install the heads, check to make sure... Not all cams are ground the same, not all valves are the exact same length, not all lifters have the same pre-load/hydr. or valve lash if mechanical/solid type
{although Edelbrock's have had pretty good/better specs, valves retainers, locks seal etc. & quality control, compared to other cheaper offshore brands}... You could need longer push rod, most all the Edelbrock heads "I've installed", unless the block or heads have been milled a bunch, have all needed longer push-rods, anywhere from 0.050"- 0.1.25" longer depending on base circle
{I use Crane Rockers & camshafts stuff for years} & specific parts used, on a B-low deck or RB block...