This is one of the comments that says it all.
This is what happens when citizens vote for liberals. I believe it is the citizens who are wackos for voting for the idiots they put in power.
Not really, over here there is no noticeable difference between 'New' Labour and Conservative. Yes the Liberals got their name over the door in this so-called coalition, but don't imagine for a moment they have any decision-making power.
The UK gov't, just like the Yanks, is part of a big money-making club for the super rich.
Look at the way the banks are run, look at the people who profit from wars and invasions, the REAL reasons for eco-rules, etc (funny how they ALL involve increased taxes to 'encourage' us?) and of course safety- who can argue against new rules to make us all safer?
Surely you wouldn't object to Extra Cost if it's to Save Lives? If that happens to create a new market for a new range of cars, well, all the better- more jobs, a boost to the economy, everyone's a winner right? Wrong!! Our freedom is constantly eroded and our pockets are constantly emptied, in small increments so there's never enough to really shout about and in subtle enough ways so very few even notice it happening.
European biker groups recently defeated a motion to force manufacturers to fit ABS to ALL motorcycles. This proposal was pushed mainly by a German Euro politician. Now it just happens that Bosch, Europe's leading manufacturer of ABS, is based in her constituency. Gosh, what a coincidence!!
Car companies are in dire straits. Their product is a heading for a dead end and they have to come up with more and more wild ideas to make us buy new cars and to trap us into a closed repair/ service loop. They recently tried to 'lock-down' the CPU in new cars. They wanted to retain ownership of your new cars brain so no-one but them could alter it! No re-chipping or tuning except by approved dealers. The manufacturers don't want any of that cash spent on cars to slip out of their grasp. 'Anti-tampering' was another hair-brained scheme the Euro commissioners came up with. So that a vehicle retained the same safety (there's that word again!) and emissions (and that one!!) as it was designed with, 'owners' would be banned from tampering with any part of the vehicle that affected this, effectively ending a tradition of vehicle customising and modification over 100 years old.
This speed-limiting scheme is only a proposal of course and would have a long way to go before agreement and implementation BUT the technology is ALREADY INSTALLED IN MOST NEW CARS- got a Sat-Nav? Then you've got a tracker! Whilst it cannot yet be used to control your speed it does contain a record of your driving. If you're involved in an accident your Sat-Nav could be interrogated for evidence!
Be on your guard folks, if it can happen in the UK, it can happen in the US!