Yeah right - this time you completely miss my point. Those cowards aren’t “killing a bull”. They and their other cowardly accomplices are just running around slicing this proud animal repeatedly ensuring he bleeds out before the bozo with the stupid hat and red flag has to go near him. How utterly ridiculous to even term it a “bull fight”. Like I said before it’s death by a thousand stabbings. You say what you said then you try to walk it back then you re-say what you said the first time. I don’t give two shits about this “proud Hispanic” heritage you constantly associate yourself with. I guess you would say the same of the countries in Africa that maim little girls private parts for some stupid ritual - how proud. Or the many, many middle eastern customs they have and are allowed against women in the name of customs. Then there’s the scumbag Chinese and their treatment of the yeaguers (sp). Wow how proud.
Here you are from no-where Roswell bragging about your kill shots - I will say this I’ve never felt or imagined an ounce of bravery or bravado in myself for any kill I’ve ever made because they were all with either a shotgun or a high powered rifle from distance. Like I said kill a lion or a grizzly with a knife and you've got some balls - kill a bull with six others running around protecting you by making the only true thing in that ring with balls by bleeding him out to ensure no one save the bull is in danger You’re a coward. You must not of even read the original poster - Leon - Mexican living his whole life in Mexico - his accurate and brutally descriptive post about exactly what goes on in that ring. I’ve seen it live - and it’s as sick as it comes. They can take their ”heritage” in that respect and shove it up their asses. If I seem a little fiery - you bet. Nothing against your person - just against your thought process.
@coronet68mx - Where are you so you can school this guy.
I take no offense. I'll not begrudge you your
beliefs, just as I don't begrudge a Mexicans'
beliefs in bullfighting. Sure, it's a cruel
treatment of an animal. And I only bring
up one shot kills to show respect for the
animal. I was taught this. Not sure of your
shot, don't take it. The elk was the one and
only time where my shot didn't find it's
intended mark. I haven't gone hunting
since. It was plain to see that animal
suffered. I was not bragging of my shooting
Shooting a Coyote could also be considered
as cruel, as they're usually shot and left
where they lay. But ask the rancher whether
or not he thinks losing a calf to a pack is
in his best interest.
Hundreds of all types of animals are
squashed by Goodyear radials, every
If you run over one, do you stop
and make sure that animal was humanely
run over, and is dead, and not dragging
its' paralyzed hind quarters into a ditch
to die?
Not all animals are bulls in a ring, surrounded
by thousands of cheering fans. (some for
the matador, some for the bull). But any
animal that dies needlessly by my hand
I feel a remorse for.
Diatribe....I know.