Thank you very much for your offer to repair my defroster duct vent nozzles and if I fail to find some undamaged used ones soon, I'm going to be contacting you my friend.
Right now, my friend Mike Ross at B/E&A has all of my damaged parts to see what he can do with them, but if he doesn't have the time to repair them, I'll have him ship them back to me and go from there.
As far as your idea to start a thread to list 1966-67 reproduction parts and part suppliers goes, I think that's a GREAT idea and I think that I will do that right here in the 66-70 B-Body forum and MAYBE if Tem is in a good mood,
he will make it a "sticky" thread that will stay at the top and will be easy to find, as those of us who own these 66-67 B-Body Dodge and Plymouth's need ALL of the help we can get! :yes: It might also be a great place to post ebay links to 66-67 B-Body parts, so we can jump on them if we need them?
I know that we have separate forums for "vendors" and "parts wanted" and "parts for sale", but it gets really old looking through all of those posts which have very few parts for our particular cars. Maybe we could set up separate forums for each grouping of cars like they do in Mopar Collectors Guide?
What do you think Moderators, would this idea be cool? If not for all models, at least for us frustrated 66-67 B-Body owners? Please?