Good luck on giving up on the chewing tobacco... I did many years ago, I chewed Skoal Straight & Kodiak for years, I started in HS track, baseball & football, I also liked Swisher Sweet Blunt cigars too starting in my mid 20's... It seemed I just replaced on bad habit for another... I don't crave them anymore, but use to really get bad cravings, seeing most all of my friend dip or smoke... I've been off tobacco all together for about 10+ years now... Some special occasions, I will smoke a good cigar, once in a blue moon & have no problems, not having the compulsion to have more, all of the time... Different people have different experiences, some are more obsessive compulsive than others, sometimes it's just changing the habit &/or patterns, with quitting or giving up tobacco... I just said one day "no more", quit buying it... When I was drinking allot it was really hard not to smoke a cigar or have a dip... I at my peak, went thru about a 5 pack of Swisher Sweets Blunts a day & at one time, probably a can of Kodiak probably every other day... I actually enjoyed chewing, it relaxed me, especially while wrenching or working... It's really hard, don't let anyone tell you it's not, but you can do it, you just need to put your mind to it... I wish you the best of luck...