Well-Known Member
So I go to get the new Challenger's title and plates earlier today. Because I bought the car in Ohio I had to get it "inspected" by the local Sheriff's office to validate the VIN. (It's a Kentucky thing.) Anyway, the older cop who was handling the inspections walks out and see the car and immediately starts telling me about his 71 Challenger with a 440+6. Good old guy, I'm guessing between 55-60yrs old, asked if I would mind taking him a ride in it. It wasn't necessary for the inspection but you could tell he was just dying to see how it ran. I said sure. So we get in the car and the first thing he sees is the pistol grip shifter. As he wiped away the drool I fired it up. He's like OH YEAH. So I take him out onto the main drag about a half mile down the road and turned around to go back. Got stopped at a light. As we are sitting there he turns to me and asked, "Have you gotten on it yet?" I'm like well, it still on break-in. (260 miles) He's says I sure would love to see how it runs. Light turns green and I dropped the hammer. The tires were lighting up and the car was walking sideways in its lane. Threw it back into second and the car bit after about a 30 foot patch and we were gone. A quick 80 mph in a 40 with a cop in the car cheering me on. LOL I love this state sometimes.