What is the best place to buy a harmonic balancer for a 440??
Yes, you can replace a elastomer damper with a fluid damper although they will NOT work in a cast crank (external balance) application.These fluid dampers can be installed regardless of type of crank balance? (internal/external)
Meaning to say, if your crank was balanced with the current installed damper (elastomer type) and you replace this with a fluid damper there is no risks involved in unbalance or so?
Currently i have a oem style damper but like to replace this with a fluid damper, just wondering the possibility's here.
I would just get one of these, if you're not racing, from 440 Source and remove the weight for a forged crank.
Don't get the chrome one (ask me how I know). You'll have a terrible time seeing the marks.
Yeah i can understand having a hard time reading the numbers when checking timing.
Is there a separate weight installed on the 440 crank?
As far as i can see/know it is just the damper in place on mine.