Well-Known Member
Hi fellas,as some of you know im working on my latest project,,,a 1963 plymouth fury stationwagon. I got the car running after 20+ years,now im trying to get it to stop..I installed all new brake hard lines,new soft lines ,new master,all new brake hardware,cylinders,and shoes and drums, eveything went on without a problem...now im left to do the dreaded rear tapered axel drum removel,the rear drivers side I was able to losen the star wheel with no problem now the tire spins freely.But the rear passanger is a different story,with a flashlite i can see the star wheel is badly rusted on the threads :angryfire: I have sprayed PB blaster on it for 2 days and put a tiny wired brush throw the back plate to take the rust scale off the threads,I proceded to try to turn the star wheel but its not moving,im starting to sheer the nubs off the star wheel:angryfire:the drum is frozen it dont move.any ideas???besides torching it off..I dont want to break my buddys snap on hub puller,,, thanks in adance John