Al these other suggestions are good ones if you're trying to find a tenth or so, but half a second??? Check with some other racers at the track to see if their 60ft times are normal. If so, ask another racer there to watch you stage and watch the car leave. So much more can be learned from an experienced observer on location.
He has a point. See what the normal 60ft times are at the track. Also make sure when you are staging to car that you are just putting the tire in the beam. You don't want to go in deep because that will the difference of a 1.50 to a 1.55 60ft.
As SSR and Ange said you want to make sure your tire pressure is right. 10lbs is not enough. It not only will hurt 60ft. it will also kill the sidewalls on the tires and shorten the life of them.
I would say the Converter is probably too tight for a transbrake. If it were me, I would call Turbo Action or ATI and have them build one for your combination. Weight of car W/ Driver, gear ratio, Tire Size, Engine size, Compression, Cam Shaft all have a lot to do with how they build the converter.
Carburetor could possibly be part of the problem. I would say you would have to be way out to luch for it to be your only problem.
Ignition Timing could be part of it but it's not that far out, Cam timing would have an impact.
It almost sounds like it could be a combination of a few things.
If it were me I would check with your fellow racers and see if their 60ft.s match up to their ET's.
Then make sure you stage the car the same place every time. You want the light to just flicker before it comes on. This will give you some consistency.
Start with 12.5lbs in the tires and go up .5lbs each past until it spins. Then back off .5lbs. See if that helps your 60ft.
Bump the timing up a degree until it falls off then back it off. See if that helps.
Try the cheap or free things first then I would go with a new Converter. I'm sure that will help especially with a transbrake.
These are just some ideas and a place to start.