What size rear tires are you gonna run? You probably only need a stock converter. You don't want the converter slipping going down the road in high gear producing a lot of excess heat and losing a lot of what could be going to the road. Mild street applications like this are actually tougher to choose a converter for because of that. Something with a 4.10 gear is gonna more easily have a converter locked up at highway speed. Most people figure cruising speed at 65 MPH, but the truth of it is on a street car, that averages out much less. So keep that in mind. I always figure 50-55, because I invision cruising with some other cars like going to a car show for instance. With gas 4 bucks a gallon, how ofter are you really gonna cruise a car that gets barely double digits at 65 MPH? With a 27" tall tire, I come up with 2683 RPM at 65. SO, what will it be at 55? 2270. I'm not too sure you want a 2400 stall converter in that application. MoPar converters are loose compared to other makes to begin with. A stock converter stalls at around 1700 RPM and the factory high stalls were about 1000 over that. Also, it will be more snappy right off the line with a stock converter and that highway gear because the converter will be closer to lockup. I'm not trying to talk you into anything.....It's your car. Put what you want in it. Maybe if you were going with a 3.55 I would say a 2400 or 2500 would be good. I just don't think you need it.