Are you certain it's the tach and not something else? I'm only asking because I'd hate to see you replace something that can be a little tricky and time consuming to do only to find that wasn't the issue.My 70 Satellite dash tachometer has quit working and I have to replace it with a new one. How do I remove the cluster from the dash frame, so I can replace it? Thanks
I've never removed a standard instrument cluster but the Rallye cluster is held in place with 5 screws. Remove the radio bezel first, then disconnect everything you can from the behind the cluster and slowly pull it away from the dash. I usually start with the speedo cable to give myself more room to work. This can be done without dropping the steering column, you just need to be a little more careful. The instrument cluster bezel is attached from behind the cluster. It comes out as an assembly. Once you have it removed from the car, you'll see. Remove the bezel, then the lense and you're off to the races.yea, we checked every connection. (power, ground, coil connection).