Good choice Rebel, IMHO ! Always nice to hear from someone that doesn't feel that they have to turn their "muscle car" into a late model creature comfort mobile. I am no factory stock purist by any stretch, but I don't believe every vehicle of this era has to have a 6speed trans, 4 wheel discs, fuel injection/late model powertrain, 18" wheels, etc, etc. Old **** is cool ! Seems just about EVERY GM built these days (a '55 Nomad and '57 hardtop right next door, a '71 Monte across street) has to have a LS swap. Sad. I have never had header interference problems with Z-bars on any of my cars. I do have a '55 Chevy with a hydraulic clutch set-up, but that was installed in the late 60's, early 70's when they put a straight axle on it and shoved the big block back about 15". I don't think you will encounter many cons on gear vendor swap on a B-body besides cost. Good luck !